Jude Law is quite the ladies' man, isn't he? His ex-love, Samantha Burke, a model carrying Jude's child set up a blog giving regular updates on her pregnancy.

The 36-year-old actor is expecting a daughter with Samantha Burke, 24, after a one-night stand in New York at the beginning of the year.
But her internet posts are set to leave him squirming as she promises to “offer her fans a way to keep up with her daily life as she juggles her career and motherhood”.
Their baby is due next month and Ms Burke has already named her Sophia. But cynics are already suggesting the blog is merely capitalising on her new-found fame as it features ads telling readers how to contact her managers.
In the latest blog, she writes: “Only a month to go until I welcome Sophia into this world. I'm excited, of course, but a little anxious too. “There is still so much to do to get ready. With all that I have left to do, I'm going to sign off from this blog for now.
“Be sure to check back with me after Sophia arrives. I can't wait!” The child will be Law's fourth. He has three children, Rafferty, Iris and Rudy, with former wife Sadie Frost.
The actor is due to start his role as Hamlet in a Broadway production the day Sophia is due — 8 October.
Ms Burke is also believed to be giving birth in New York, sparking rumours that Law will be present at the delivery.