As we all wait for the 7th film part 1 of the Harry Potter series to come out in theatres, I decided to check what the critics are saying about the film over at rottentomatoes. Of course, there are bad and good reviews. It can't be helped. Everyone has their own opinions and views about absolutely anything.
Let's run down on some of the comments that were said:
1. "Often just seems to be going round in very decreasing circles, chasing its own fairytale."- David Golder, SFX Magazine
2. "While The Deathly Hallows is not the best film in the series, it hardly matters. Too many people have invested too much in Harry Potter, they will not bear to miss the finale, or even his bleak and inconclusive prelude to the dark." - Michael Bodey, The Australian
3. "The first part of the last part is dark, dismal, and frankly, disappointing." - Paul Byrnes, Sydney Morning Herald
4. "Exposition heavy, Potter 7: Part One is an entertaining but flawed prelude to the real finale." - Martin Roberts, Fan the Fire
5. "Hallows's first hour is deadly, all right." - David Edelstein, New York Magazine (TOP CRITIC)
6. "A film with no beginning and no end but a whole lot of expository middle, this is the least satisfying installment in the series since Chris Columbus folded up his director's chair." - Tom Huddleston, Time Out
7. "An unfamiliar new setting does little to diminish the humour, heart and excitement of the Harry Potter franchise on form." - Charlie Lyne, Film4
8. "On the evidence of this, his penultimate film, the teenage wizard is getting the send-off he deserves." - David Edwards, Daily Mirror UK
9. "Good enough, even for those of us who have no idea what's going on once the plot resorts to Potterbabble. " - Joshua Tyler,
10. "A flawed decision to split the final installment of the Harry Potter books into two films results in a formless narrative that overstays its welcome." - Cole Smithey,
My point-of-view about the bad comments: The 6th comment really did an impact on me because I too think that ever since Chris Columbus decided to leave Harry Potter, the films weren't doing justice to the books. It's like the films sucked out the magic that you'd have to experience once you've read the books. Ever since David Yates directed the Potter series, for me, it wasn't great. Of course, I didn't admit it at first, but Yates' directing isn't too good. But since it's Harry Potter we're talking about, I'll say it is good. Although, up until now, I wish Columbus directed all the films and it would've been much, much better.
I still haven't seen the film but I will write a review once I have. I hope these last 2 films won't disappoint me.
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